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林本源園邸為臺灣板橋林本源家族興建的房舍,是目前臺灣僅存最完整的園林建築。由文建會、內政部、觀光局、臺灣省政府以及今新北市政府共同負責保護與整修的工作,並為園林類二級古蹟過年送禮禮盒 台中。
林本源園邸總面積約6054坪,可分成「園」和「邸」兩個部分:園又被稱作「板橋林家花園」,指的是住屋之外的庭園部分,包含來青閣、月波水榭、定靜堂等 多處房舍與人造山水;邸指的是林本源家族居住處,即庭園西側的三落大厝。目前三落大厝仍屬於林氏祭祀同業公會,需專人帶領才能入內導覽。
西門町位於台北市萬華區東北方,為台中年夜菜 台北市西區最重要且國際化程度最高的消費商圈,以年輕族群為主要的消費對象,並吸引了許多國際觀光客以自助旅行造訪此處。
這名18歲的凶嫌也承認自己在學校附近、薩斯克其萬省(Saskatchewan)北部的家中,殺害自己兩名兄弟。依據加拿大「青少年刑事審判法」(Youth Criminal Justice Act),犯人名字未獲公布。
這名青少年罪犯28日進入認罪答辯程序。他在1月22日槍斃拉洛什社區(La Loche)自己學校兩名老師,屬一級謀殺罪行;另外在偏僻德內社區(Dene)殺死兩名十多歲的兄弟,則屬二級謀殺罪。
省法官馬凱弗(Janet Mclvor)表示,法院還得決定是要以青少年或成人身分加以判刑。青少年若犯下一級謀殺,最高刑期為10年;成人則自然會遭判終身監禁。
大型槍擊案在加拿大實屬罕見。相較於美國,加拿大的槍枝法律較為嚴格。薩斯克其萬省這起案件,是加拿大中小學最嚴重的一起大規模槍案,也是自1989年蒙特婁(Montreal)綜合理工學院(Ecole Polytechnique)屠殺案以來,最慘重的校園槍擊事件。當年共有包括槍手在內的15人死亡,14人受傷。
IMMUNITY: The South Korean president is exempt from prosecution, but can be investigated. If Park does step down from the presidency, an election would be held/ AP, SEOULTens and possibly hundreds, of thousands of South Koreans yesterday marched in Seoul demanding the ouster of South Korean President Park Geun-hye in one of the biggest protests in the country since its democratization about 30 years ago.Police anticipated about 170,000 people to turn out near City Hall and an old palace gate while the protest organizers estimated as much as 1 million are taking part.It is the latest of a wave of massive rallies against Park, whose presidency has been shaken by suspicion that she let a shadowy longtime confidante to manipulate power from behind the scenes.Park’s friend, Choi Soon-sil, the daughter of a late cult leader who emerged as Park’s mentor in the 1970s, is also suspected of exploiting her presidential ties to bully companies into donating tens of millions of US dollars to foundations she controlled.Despite rising public anger, opposition parties have yet to seriously push for Park’s resignation or impeachment over fears of negatively impacting next year’s presidential race. However, they have threatened to campaign for resignation if she does not distance herself from state affairs.The protest was expected to be the largest in the capital since June 10, 2008, when police said 80,000 people took part in a candlelight vigil denouncing the government’s decision to resume US beef imports amid persisting mad cow fears. Organizers then estimated the crowd at 700,000.In the summer of 1987, millions of South Koreans rallied in Seoul and other cities for weeks before the then-military government caved in to demands for free presidential elections.In an attempt to stabilize the situation, Park on Tuesday last week said she would let the opposition-controlled parliament choose her prime minister, but opposition parties said her words are meaningless without specific promises about transferring much of her presidential powers to a new second in charge.Prosecutors have arrested Choi, one of her key associates and two former presidential aides who allegedly helped Choi interfere with government decisions and amass an illicit fortune at the expense of businesses.Prosecutors on Friday also summoned the chairman of steelmaker POSCO over allegations that Choi and her associates tried to forcibly take over the shares of an advertisement company previously owned by the steelmaker.On Tuesday last week, prosecutors raided the headquarters of smartphone giant Samsung Electronics, the country’s largest company, which is under suspicion of spending millions of US dollars illicitly financing the equestrian training of Choi’s athlete daughter.Under South Korea’s criminal litigation law, which requires suspects to be either indicted or released within 20 days of their arrest, prosecutors have until Sunday next week to formally charge Choi. There is also a possibility that prosecutors will eventually investigate Park, who in a televised apology last week said she would accept a direct investigation into her actions.The president has immunity from prosecution except in cases of treason, under South Korean law, but she can be investigated.Park has 15 months left in her term. If she steps down before the end of it, an election must be held within 60 days.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
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